At Christ Church (Pellon) C of E (VC) Primary School, our Computing curriculum aims to develop pupils’ key skills and understanding of Information Technology, Digital Literacy and Computer Science to ensure that they can stay safe, thrive and make a positive contribution to an increasingly ‘digital’ world. We aim to develop transferable computational thinking skills amongst learners which have an important impact on their holistic development and attainment across the whole curriculum.
Each pupil at Christ Church (Pellon) Primary School has the right to a wealth of rich, deep learning experiences within the subject area of computing.
At Christ Church (Pellon) Primary School, the core of computing is Computer Science. Pupils are introduced to the main areas of programming and algorithms, using a wide range of technology including laptops, tablets, robots and interactive whiteboards, allowing them to practise, apply and improve the skills they learn in computing.
This ensures they become confident users of digital technology, enabling them to express themselves and develop their ideas through a wide range of technologies – at a level suitable for their next step into high school and the future workplace as active participants in a digital world.
Pupils are taught to:
- ‘Have a go’ with unfamiliar technologies
- Approach larger problems by breaking them down into more manageable sizes.
- Think creatively with what is possible through programming and coding
- Understand algorithms and when they are used
- Solve problems and de-bug programs
- Decided for themselves the best technology to use to for a given task.
- Use technology to creatively produce pictures, presentations, animations and films
- Use technology to safely connect and communicate with others in the school community and the wider world
- Use technology to collect, store, sort, present and interpret data
- Become digitally literate, able to search for information effectively and evaluate content
- Respect and understand technology, including the internet and how to stay safe
By the end of Key Stage 2, we want all children to be flexible, creative, responsible and confident users of technology, who are able to choose the best tool to fulfil the tasks and challenges set by teachers and in their daily lives.