ICT AUP for Pupils/Parents
6.1 Access to ICT facilities
- Computers and equipment in the school’s ICT Trollies are available to pupils only under the supervision of staff at the allocated or booked time.
- Pupils will be provided with an account linked to the school’s virtual learning environment, which they can access from any device by using the appropriate links.
6.2 Search and deletion
Under the Education Act 2011, and in line with the Department for Education’s guidance on searching, screening and confiscation, the school has the right to search pupils’ phones, computers or other devices for pornographic images or any other data or items banned under school rules or legislation.
The school can, and will, delete files and data found on searched devices if we believe the data or file has been, or could be, used to disrupt teaching or break the school’s rules.
6.3 Unacceptable use of ICT and the internet outside of school
The school will sanction pupils, in line with the [behaviour/policy], if a pupil engages in any of the following at any time (even if they are not on school premises):
- Using ICT or the internet to breach intellectual property rights or copyright
- Using ICT or the internet to bully or harass someone else, or to promote unlawful discrimination
- Breaching the school’s other policies or procedures
- Any illegal conduct, or statements which are deemed to be advocating illegal activity.
- Computer Misuse Act 1990
- Protection from Harassment Act 1997
- Malicious Communications Act 1988
- Communications Act 2003
- The Public Order act 1986
- The Education and Inspections Act 2006 (EIA 2006) – this act provides for staff and teachers to confiscate items from pupils, such as mobile phones.
- Accessing, creating, storing, linking to or sending material that is pornographic, offensive, obscene or otherwise inappropriate
- Activity which defames or disparages the school, or risks bringing the school into disrepute
- Sharing confidential information about the school, other pupils, or other members of the school community
- Gaining or attempting to gain access to restricted areas of the network, or to any password protected information, without approval from authorised personnel
- Allowing, encouraging, or enabling others to gain (or attempt to gain) unauthorised access to the school’s ICT facilities
- Causing intentional damage to ICT facilities or materials
- Causing a data breach by accessing, modifying, or sharing data (including personal data) to which a user is not supposed to have access, or without authorisation
- Using inappropriate or offensive language
Violations will be dealt with in-line with the behaviour policy or be escalated further (depending on the nature of the offence).
7.1 Access to ICT facilities and materials
Parents do not have access to the school’s ICT facilities as a matter of course.
However, parents working for, or with, the school in an official capacity (for instance, as a volunteer or as a member of the PTA) may be granted an appropriate level of access, or be permitted to use the school’s facilities at the headteacher’s discretion.
Where parents are granted access in this way, they must abide by this policy as it applies to staff.
7.2 Communicating with or about the school online
We believe it is important to model for pupils, and help them learn, how to communicate respectfully with, and about, others online.
Parents play a vital role in helping model this behaviour for their children, especially when communicating with the school through our website and social media channels.
Online channels are an important way for parents/carers to communicate with, or about, our school.
The school uses the following channels:
- Our official Website
- Our official Facebook page
- Our official Twitter channel
- Email/text groups for parents (for school announcements and information)
- Class Dojos
Parents/carers also set up independent channels to help them stay on top of what’s happening in their child’s class. For example, class/year Facebook groups, email groups, or chats (through apps such as WhatsApp).
When communicating with the school via official communication channels, or using private/independent channels to talk about the school, I will:
- Be respectful towards members of staff, and the school, at all times
- Be respectful of other parents/carers and children
- Direct any complaints or concerns through the school’s official channels, so they can be dealt with in line with the school’s complaints procedure
I will not:
- Use private groups, the school’s Facebook page, or personal social media to complain about or criticise members of staff. This is not constructive, and the school can’t improve or address issues if they aren’t raised in an appropriate way.
- Use private groups, the school’s Facebook page, or personal social media to complain about, or try to resolve, a behaviour issue involving other pupils. I will contact the school and speak to the appropriate member of staff if I’m aware of a specific behaviour issue or incident
- Upload or share photos or videos on social media of any child other than my own, unless I have the permission of other children’s parents/carers
Please confirm you have read the above: